Years 11-12 Teachers

Themed Posters - How politics affects...

Themed posters that can be used in the class room to show how politics affect different areas of everyday life.


Activities & Teacher Notes

You can use the table below to find resources useful for teaching areas of the following CCEA GCSEs:

  • NEW CCEA GCSE Government and Politics - click here for resources;
  • CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work;
  • CCEA GCSE History;
  • CCEA GCSE Economics; and
  • CCEA GCSE English Language.

Please refer to the Specifications for specific content requirements.

This website also provides information and activities related to the Local and Global Citizenship section of Non GCSE Learning for Life and Work and Careers Education. 

Table Key: Download teacher notes    Go to activity Go to video

Subject/Areas of LearningActivity
 Who Are Your MLAs?How do we elect MLAs?The Assembly & ExecutiveEvolution of DevolutionInside Parliament BuildingsThe Budget for Northern IrelandWork of an MLA
Learning for Life and Work: Local and Global Citizenship          
History: Unit 1 – Option 4:
History: Unit 1 – Option 5:
History: Unit 3 – Northern Ireland – The Road to Peace        
Economics: Managing the Economy – Government Economic Objectives       
English Language: Unit 4: The Study of Spoken Language       
Careers Education