September update

Posted on
Wed, 11/09/2024
2024/25 Professional Development opportunities for teachers   

Join us for engaging sessions to update content knowledge and network with other teachers during the next academic year:

8 November              A Level/GCSE Government & Politics
17 January               Learning for Life & Work 
4 April                       Key Stage 2 (WAU, School & Eco Councils) 
6 June                      Special Education Needs 

Look out for more detailed information closer to the date. 

Art competition for Primary Schools   

Get your P4 - P7 pupils to design a new eco - bag for the Northern Ireland Assembly. The 2024 theme is ‘The Future is Green’. 

Poster for art competition for P4, 5 & 6 pupils


The winning picture will be printed on a cloth bag, which will be sold in the gift shop in Parliament Buildings, Stormont. The winner’s class will be invited to take part in a special visit to Parliament Buildings.

We are now inviting P4 to P7 pupils to create a new design. Pupils could think about … 

  • My vision of a green future for Northern Ireland
  • My favourite outdoor space – eg, a garden, park, forest, the countryside
  • Northern Ireland wildlife – trees, plants and animals – ‘biodiversity’
  • The beautiful scenery of Northern Ireland 
  • Things we can do to help the environment

Success Criteria: Pupils to - 

1. Create an original picture around the theme – Northern Ireland and a Greener Future

2. Use a blank A4 sheet of paper 

At the bottom of the sheet

Briefly explain your design – What is it? Where is it? What is your message about the environment? 

write your name, class and school

3. Ask the teacher to email a copy of the design to

Closing date for entries: Friday 25 October 2024 (5pm)


Taking your students to Parliament Buildings during the next academic year? 

We have a few sessions still available before Christmas. We recommend groups visit on set days in order to ensure that your students get the most suitable education programme. 

Monday and Tuesday                         A Level/GCSE Government and Politics

Wed, Thursday and Friday                 Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3&4