Just one week left to apply for the 2023-2025 Youth Assembly!
The Youth Assembly is open to young people throughout Northern Ireland in Years 9-12. Applications run from Monday 25 September 2023 and will close at 5pm on Monday 16 October.
Please help us to get the word out there by sharing the link to our new recruitment webpage http://niyouthassembly.org/recruitment/ The website includes details on how to apply as well as information on the amazing opportunities and experiences the Youth Assembly has to offer.
It would also be great if you could follow our social media accounts (below) and share our posts with friends and followers.
- Facebook @NorthernIrelandYouthAssembly
- Instagram @NIYouthAssembly
- X (formally Twitter) @NIYouthAssembly
If you have any questions you can email us at youthassembly@niassembly.gov.uk and in the meantime thanks in advance for helping us to promote this exciting opportunity for young people!
Kind regards
The Youth Assembly Team